Ian and Crystal’s wedding day was clearly beautiful – but it was also full of heart and soul and joy and so much laughter. These two together are an absolutely blast and so in love.

I love being able to be a part of the sweet seasons of couple’s lives…..I’ve been able to photograph these two during their engagement (when Bosley was a tiny pup), their wedding, in Paris (yep!) and now the most exciting of all – awaiting the arrival of their sweet baby boy.  Suffice it to say, […]

These two lovebirds have been married almost 3 years – their wedding day was a balmy 100 degrees so we thought we’d have a cooler session three years later and enjoyed some beautiful 90 degree breezes with delicate mosquitoes wafting about our heads as we strolled through the streams and up the hillsides 🙂  

Just the sweetest little family ever to be. It was a warm evening in the midwest woods but we had fun! Our little guy Ary enjoyed tagging along on this photoshoot since he and Oliver are the same age. Darling little Oliver is such a smart cookie and was a joy to photograph! Pictures of […]

Relaxed and beautiful; stylish and SO happy; and yes hot and humid (it is summer in Illinois after all!) this wedding and this couple were an absolute delight to photograph. <3

Garret and Erin’s wedding day promised to be a warm one. The heat and the humidity were high but somehow it really just didn’t matter and aside from the steamed up cameras, was barely noticed. You see, this day was perfect in it’s hominess, coziness, and down-home-family-lovin’-goodness. The ceremony took place in the front yard […]

It’s safe to say that these two were the epitome of laid back, relaxed and enjoy the wedding day come-what-may. It rained. And rained and then for good measure rained a little bit more! We call days like this “moody and romantic.” Days made for black and white photography and cozy elegant rooms and couples […]




