March 27, 2011

Sunday Snippets | an ode to gardening

cottage garden

paris photo collection by little brown pen on Etsy

Not garden related, just so beautiful – we’re going to try painting our front door this color and hope for the best 🙂

martha steward weddings - garden roses

white cape cod style home

We live in a white cape cod style home (not this one) – I’ve always loved cape cods – and while a brick/stone rambling english style cottage with acres of land and a small stable for 2 horses, some sheep and a few chickens would of course by my idea home, there aren’t too many of them hidden in this area 😉

trellis’ are just about the most charming man made item any garden can have – hoping to get one put up and various vines planted along it this year. Wisteria is my favorite of our vines (there is a species specially made for surviving IL winters that does great)

better homes and gardens flower ideas window boxes

I could look for window box ideas all the day long. Now I have yet to actually install any window boxes on our house, mostly because our front windows are so huge that they basically touch the ground so the window boxes would be sitting on said ground and look ridiculous, but also because I can never find any that are the right size for the windows I need. I’m not nearly as DIY as my dear friend Christy, so I’ not too keen on building my own window box for a 4 foot long window. Aren’t they so beautiful though??

We LOVE basil in this household. Interspersing it throughout the whole garden, we harvest it in August/September to make batches and batches of pesto to last us through the winter. My mother makes the most amazing pesto ever created, we like it even better than the pesto we had in Italy!

I wish I had the nerve to do this with our front yard – so beautiful, and no mowing!

One of my favorite and most often heard phrases is: “Oh you have the best job, you only work one day a week!” Ahh the luxurious life of a wedding photographer 😉 While I agree that I do in fact have the best job, the truth is that the wedding day is just 1/10th of the wedding process. During wedding season I’m at the computer roughly 9 hours a day, 6 days a week. So gardening is a delightful escape from the sitting and the staring 🙂
Seeing as it’s nearly April, one would expect some temperatures consistantly around 55-60 degrees at least, but it’s been FREEZING lately, with no plans to warm up until next Friday, so gardening on the blog is my only option for now. When I’m not in the office editing, I’m in the garden pulling weeds, moving things around, planting this that and the other and pulling more weeds. Sometimes I even have a few specks dirt under my fingernails when I show up for a shoot 😉

So now that I’ve thoroughly bored 9/10th of you, I promise some more interesting and relevant posts in the coming weeks! And to anyone who was even mildly interested, I’ll have pictures of my actual garden up sometime in May/June when it is alive and beautiful. It’s a work in progress!

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