November 16, 2024

First Dance Lessons

Learn to dance at home video, first dance for a wedding


Looking for at home dance video lessons that you can learn anytime or anywhere?  BetterSway has created simply beautiful online dance lessons that are truly in a class of their own. Different from everything else that’s out there, these  dance lessons are SIMPLE, easy to learn, and made to work with how our bodies naturally move already, and learnable in mere minutes. For those practicing for their first wedding dance,  those who want to learn to dance with their beloved in the comfort of their own home, or just for those sitting there thinking: Iiiiii wanna dance with somebody… (cue Whitney H)



beautiful first dance lessons

I’ve see lots of first dances (around 400 to be precise!).  And while I will always love the “let’s just sway together” dance, there is definitely something special about a first dance that is fun, effortless, a little bit fancy 😉  and looks as beautiful as this one does! The lovely folks at Better Sway spent time making sure their dance steps were wedding dress friendly and SO easy to learn.

My hubby and I have done the program, and while Brandon is actually a pretty awesome dancer,  I… not. It’s that whole “which way one is left and which is right” panic that sets in every time! I blame it on being left handed. Anyway, they timed us and it only took us about 4 minutes to completely learn each step. And we remembered them for days to come without practicing! It was super simple and so much fun. Even when we messed up, it was a great time just being together.

Men like it because they can pretty much stand there and use their arms and help their ladies look awesome 😉 These are definitely not your standard dull and dry ballroom dance lessons. It’s a super fun date night experience. Wear your sweats, flip on the tv or ipad and there you go – instant online, on demand dance lessons. Also a great gift idea! *hint hint husbands…*online dance lessons

These guys are some of my very dearest friends and I’m so excited for this business venture of theirs. They’ve been dance instructors for over a decade now, so they definitely know their stuff!

Below is a sample video of what your lessons will look like. (Bonus points because they filmed their dance lessons at two of our favorite Peoria area wedding venuesThe Eureka Cannery and Venue Chisca. 




Give it a try and have a blast! Let’s bring back dancing together as a social event like our grandparents used to do 🙂


couple dancing in their home

first dance with fireworks

Be Social!

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  1. Allen says:

    Hi! I just saw this page you made for the first time.
    How – incredibly – sweet.
    Thank you so much. I can’t ever properly express how wonderful it is for Christy to have you. Love you much my sis!




